Common pheasant

Common pheasant

  • Scientific name:

Pheasants are large game birds that are easily recognized, with a long tapering tail. The tail of both sexes is brown with dark side stripes.

Common pheasant

  • Phasianus

The males have bright colors and extremely long tail. The females and young birds also have long tails but are discreet light brown.

 The body of the male measures 70-90 cm plus the tail measuring 35-70 cm; the female is smaller, measures 55-70 cm plus 20-25 cm from the tail; wingspan 70-90 cm, weight 1.25 kg (the male), 1 kg (the female).

In a hole in the ground, with little or no material to make the nest. It is usually hidden among the vegetation in rural areas or on edges of wooded areas under a tree or a shrub.

The males have a colorful plumage with prominent spots, which include a red spot on the eye, gray metallic coloration on the head and neck and reddish and coppery brown on the body The females are more uniform yellowish brown with some veined designs darker The pheasants have a greenish-yellow beak and gray-brown legs; The legs of the males also have distinctive sharp spurs. The iris of the males is orange, but the females have light brown irises.

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